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Available Classes

EFT Class


Be Empowered, Take Charge of Your Life!


If you are ready to release your emotional baggage, ease your stress and pain, and embrace your inner healer, then you are ready to learn Emotional Freedom Techniques.

This self help technique is painless to use, easy to learn, and works fast!


What are you waiting for?  Sign up now, and be on your way to a new healthier, happier you!


What is Covered

  • How energy moves in the body

  • Psychological Reversal

  • Set up Statements

  • Basic Tapping Procedures

  • Borrowing Benefits

  • Erase and Replace

  • Personal Peace Procedure


Advanced Elements

  • The Choices Method

  • Energy Meridians

  • Surrogate EFT-(learn how to use it on your pets)


Scheduled class dates are:

  • Sunday July 27, 2014


Classes are from 1:00 to 5:00 - Tuition is $77   


 (Bring a friend and you both save 10%!)


(Weekday classes are available with Rhonda Sandmoen on request)

  • Higher Frequency Healing -
  • A 2 day event Exploring 5th Dimensional Frequencies and Sacred Geometry. How would you like to go where you have never gone before in your own personal healing and the healing of others? There are powerful new frequencies that are available to us that have never been here before that are for our highest healing and spiritual evolution. These frequencies can also be harnessed to create Sacred Geometric shapes in the biofield. Come explore and learn how to use these new frequencies that promote healing on every level and help with manifesting your heart’s desires. Higher frequency healing is for the new higher frequency human!


  • Day 1 - Fifth Dimensional Healing 


Learn the difference between 3rd and 5th Dimensional healing. Be attuned to the new frequencies  of light, learn about radiating and resonating. Learn how to change the frequency of yourself, your food, or anything else. Practise self healing, distance healing, healing others, and healing animals. Gain an understanding of the frequency indicators and how to control the frequencies. High frequency beings need high frequency healing!


  • 1-Day only - $165


  • Day 2 - Sacred Geometry Level 1


This is a highly esoteric class in which you will learn how to harness the Fifth Dimensional frequencies to create Sacred Geometric shapes in the human biofield. These shapes are vortexes of energy that are extremely powerful, each shape creating its own unique frequency that will have a specific effect on body, mind, and spirit. We will be working with the new shapes like the Diamond Light Grid that are in harmony with the raising consciousness on the planet now!

There will be demonstrations, hand outs, and plenty of practise time on the table. 


  • Both Days - $333


When and Where?


Fifth Dimensional Healing class - June 20, 2014


Sacred Geometry  - June 21, 2014


Lee's Summit, MO  (10:00 AM to 6:00 PM)


I accept cash, checks, credit cards, and pay pal

"Rhonda Sandmoen's EFT class was an excellent introduction to the power of tapping.
Her explanation of the meridians as rivers jammed by logs of subconscious memories and scripts was a useful visual key to understanding EFT.

Later in the class, after asking each participant a few questions about a "simple" problem, Rhonda would

lead us in a round of tapping for that person. It was amazing to be in the presence of one so skilled in asking questions and directing energy toward the real crux of the problem. 
One by one we experienced the lightness of release and the real promise of what EFT can do
for us. I have since had a private session with Rhonda, and I look forward to productive
work toward a life free of the constraints I've been working on for decades!"

Dorothy A.

Lone Jack, MO

"Rhonda passionately presented the 5th Dimensional Vibrations and Sacred Geometry at a level that anyone could both understand and participate. The best way to describe it would be the cliff notes to Fifth Dimensional Vibrations and Sacred Geometry. Trust me when I say, “Rhonda intuitively knows where you are at and what you need in the way of verbal guidance or demonstration of what initially may seem daunting or unattainable.” If you are called to heal, this class is a must!"


M Roseman,

Blue Springs, MO

" I must say that I LOVE using the 5th everyday and it feels very natural to me.  It seems like I'm kind of living generally at a higher level, although when the rug gets pulled out I'm still surprised and scrambling to get back in balance.  The good thing is that I tend to get through these cycles much faster than before!"


Linda Wilfong,  

Overland Park, KS                                                                                                                

Classes are usually 

scheduled as they are 

requested. So if you see

something that interests you,

Request it!

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