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Reconnection Therapy

Reconnecting the 12-Strand DNA

Reconnection Therapy is the process of cleansing and re-activating our personal grid...our connection to the universe. This enables us to interact with new levels of light and information. It is this information which raises our vibrations and allows healing to take place.


The Grid is a field of quantum energy, composed of energy lines known as axiatonal lines that are infinite in nature. These lines encircle our planet and continue spreading out in all directions of time and space, connecting everything in the universe with everything else. We are connected to this quantum field through our individual grid systems which are comprised of meridians, acupuncture points and chakras.


Over time our personal grid can become so clogged with our emotions and life experiences that energy can no longer flow through freely to the physical body...thus the connection between the personal grid and the universe becomes disconnected.

Reconnection Therapy is the process of using light to re-activate the lines in the personal grid that connect you to the universe. Once your connections have been re-activated you will receive an infusion of light that will awaken cellular memory and spiritual wellness to transform you on all levels. This light assists with the activation of the original human 12 strand DNA template, opening pathways to ascending levels of consciousness, to a higher human vibration.

What Benefits can I expect?


The activation process is the equivalent to getting a continuing system upgrade. The body starts to detoxify, old emotions trapped in the body are cleansed and fall away as density gives way to the increasing light. New circuits are formed, new connections are made, new senses come online, and blockages are released as the new information pours in.

The experience is different for each person.

You may become aware of subtle changes, being aware of things with a sense of knowing and understanding, feeling more in tune with your inner wisdom. Many people report feeling a new sense of confidence and empowerment with clarity about their life’s purpose. Almost everyone reports their desires manifesting more quickly. Physical changes are increased energy and vitality, looking younger, softer skin, staying healthy, not catching colds and viruses, even the healing of disease. The dependence on medicines and supplements falls away as you allow the wisdom that created your body to heal your body.


As your body drops density and takes on more light you will experience these things and more.


  • Not succumbing to colds & viruses

  • Clearing emotional blockages

  • Opening heart energy

  • More joy and laughter

  • Manifesting desires faster

  • Enhanced Intuition & psychic abilities

  • Feeling in tune with your inner wisdom

  • A sense of knowing and understanding

  • Not needing medicine and supplements

  • Detoxifying the body

  • Self Confidence

  • Self empowerment

  • Increased creativity

  • Healing of Diseases

  • Appearing Younger

  • Softer Skin

  • Clarity about life's purpose

  • Inner peace

  • Energy and vitality

  • A Higher Vibration

Reconnection Therapy Sessions - A specific tuning fork protocol is used before the activation. Combining the vibrational sounds of the forks with the Fifth dimensional energy, the chakras are cleared and the body is soothed and relaxed. This is the optimum state for lighting up the axiatonal lines which engage the 12-strand DNA and assist us in remembrance of our true essence. You are fully clothed during the session and all work is done off the body. Please allow a full hour for the session, 2 sessions are needed within a 3-day period. 


Providing Reconnection Therapy Sessions for the Kansas City metropolitan area.


The Reconnection




© 2023 by Alternative Medicine

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